Specialist Learning – Digital Technology

Dr Alice’s Visit with the Year 4/5 Classes

We were lucky enough to have Dr Alice a paleontologist from Flinders university come to visit us last week. We learnt all about fossils and how technology is used to scan and build models. Here are some of the fossils that we got to examine. Can you guess what they are from? Do you think that the animal is still living or is it extinct?



To encourage computational thinking and creativity here are 25 Lego challenges to complete at home. When the children have finished we would love to see their creations. Please email pictures to alicia.read393@schools.sa.edu.au and I will post the pictures on the blog.

Happy Building!

Mrs Parrish

25 Lego Challenges



Last week our Reception and Year 1 classes worked on further developing their understanding of computer parts and their functions. They worked together to organise themselves into groups to create a complete computer system using the different parts.


In Reception and Year 1 we have been learning about hardware and software. Our focus this term has been on developing our vocabulary so that we can identify and name the different computer parts. We have played lots of games in order to use and reinforce the relevant vocabulary!