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Today the Eco Leaders visited room 1 and room 3 to share their knowledge about bush tucker. They educated us on salt bush, pig face, sea parsley, warrigal greens and river mint.

Posted in General news

100th Day of School Celebrations

Room 1 and Room 3 spent the Friday of term 3, week 2 celebrating the first 100 days of school. Students dressed up as what they might look like in 100 years, in a shirt representing the number 100 and wearing fun party hats or headpieces. Students participated in 100 day activities, bubble blowing and enjoyed a picnic lunch.
A big thanks to the parents for organising all the creative costumes and to the upper and middle primary students for running the activities!


Posted in Inquiry learning

Past and Present

We have begun our Past and Present unit of inquiry. To provoke our thinking we investigated items from the past. We got to touch, look and play with each item. We put on our detective hats on to decipher what each item was used for and called.