Room 01 – Mrs Lawson & Mrs Taylor

Today we used m and m’s to look at odd and even numbers. We then split that even number into half.

We wrote letters to Santa and if we post them by October 30th Santa will write us letters back. Today we walked to the local post box to post our letters.

We had lots of fun dressing up for Book Week!

Room 1 has been learning about how halves are two equal parts. With a partner we cut a whole cupcake into two halves. After we got to eat our half.

During Book Week Room 1 put on their detective hats to look at the clues to figure out who the author was.

This term Room 1 and Room 3 are learning about community helpers. Through playful learning the students are discovering how hospitals and fire fighters help the community.

We have started learning that halves are two equal parts. Here are our “Half of Flowers”.

Term 3 Crazy Hair/Casual Day

To help raise money for the cancer council on Wednesday we participated in the Oval Run. In 15 minutes we all tried our very best to run, sprint or walk as many laps of oval.

Our Uluru art.

We have been investigating the Aboriginal Flag. We have discovered that the yellow in the flag represents the sun, the red in the flag represents the land and the black in the flag represents the people.

We made Subtraction Cookie Monsters.

Room 1 and Room 3 spent the Friday of term 3, week 2 celebrating the first 100 days of school. Students dressed up as what they might look like in 100 years, in a shirt representing the number 100 and wearing fun party hats or headpieces. Students participated in 100 day activities, bubble blowing and enjoyed a picnic lunch.
A big thanks to the parents for organising all the creative costumes and to the upper and middle primary students for running the activities!

What can you create with the number 100?

Term 3’s playful learning focus is under the sea, camping and a sushi station.

Yesterday we were given a challenge to build a tower out of 12 index cards and 20 sticker dots. We had to collaborate with a partner and persist when the task became challenging.

For Reconciliation Week we went to the Pipe Garden to learn about indigenous culture. We learnt about art, weaving, bush tucker, shelter and looked at some indigenous artefacts. These sessions were run by our schools Eco Leaders.

For history we have been learning about past and present. We researched the history of the toy Mr Potato Head.

We then read The Potato People by Pamela Allen.

After we read The Potato People then we designed our own Potato Person.

Finally we created our very own Potato Person!

We have been investigating toys and games of the past. We got to play quoits, hopscotch, bocce ball, naughts and crosses and finska.

We have begun our Past and Present unit of inquiry. To provoke our thinking we investigated items from the past. We got to touch, look and play with each item. We put on our detective hats on to decipher what each item was used for and called.

Term 2’s playful learning sessions involve a toy shop, fancy dress, construction, a puppet theatre and a olden day school.

In the last week of term we enjoyed making Easter baskets, bunny face masks and going on an egg hunt!

In Word Study lessons we blend words and nonsense words and play blending board games.

Room 1 has been investigating what “Harmony Day” is.
We have learnt that falls on the 21st of March and it’s purpose is to celebrate we are different, unique and that everybody belongs.

A nature craft activity with our big buddy class

Kindy visit

Shrove Tuesday

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